Keep It Simple.

We believe simplicity triumphs over complexity. Our planning process and investment advice are meticulously crafted to educate and empower you. We are committed to ensuring that you thoroughly comprehend the rationale behind our recommendations, allowing you to implement them confidently. We will work with you to create your initial financial plan and provide ongoing support as you implement and update the plan as needed.

Step 1: Intro/Get Acquainted

Our mission is to understand your personal and financial circumstances comprehensively. By delving deeply into your situation, we aim to help you identify and prioritize significant goals that resonate with your specific needs and aspirations. Throughout this process, we welcome any questions you may have to ensure that our partnership is mutually beneficial.

Step 2: Goal Setting & Dream Mapping

Once we agree to work together, we will gather data to assess your current status and collaborate to set goals for the future. At this meeting, we will thoroughly review your current financial decisions and explore alternative courses of action to ensure that our financial plan recommendations are well-developed and tailored to your specific needs throughout your financial journey. It is much more than numbers and checking boxes. This meeting will clearly define your needs, wants, and wishes.

Once we understand your financial goals, we will carefully analyze your data. You will need to share essential documents such as pay stubs, benefits information, and detailed spending records. Our financial planning software, RightCapital, is designed to make this step both secure and effortless for you!

Step 3: Financial Plan Presentation

After engaging in thorough and extensive discussions during our previous meetings, we are excited to unveil our meticulously crafted financial plan recommendations. Our recommendations are designed to provide clear and decisive solutions to your immediate questions and concerns while delving into other opportunities that can streamline achieving your financial goals. Presented with clarity and conviction, our recommendations aim to empower you to take confident and decisive action, enabling you to progress with assurance. This is the narrative of your financial journey.

Step 4: Plan Implementation

In this phase, we will closely collaborate with you to implement the specific recommendations identified in the financial plan. We will work closely together to ensure that every suggestion is put into action effectively and efficiently. As your dedicated support, we are committed to giving guidance and addressing any questions or concerns to make sure that the implementation process goes smoothly.

Step 5: Ongoing Support & Guidance

We offer ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track with your goals. Through regular meetings, we work together to review your progress and provide the necessary support to help you confidently take steps toward achieving your objectives. You can rely on us to assist you in making important financial decisions, and we are always available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Additionally, we will proactively reach out to you if we haven’t heard from you, ensuring that you receive the support you need, especially during times of change.

We’ll catch up for our Annual Review every year to chat about any changes, updates, challenges, and opportunities. Your life is always evolving, and so is your financial plan. We’re here to help you tweak, improve, and optimize your financial life. During our annual meetings, we’re sure you’ll appreciate the amazing value of having a trusted second pair of eyes on your finances and someone to help you stay on track and reach your goals. Our goal is to simplify your financial matters, more streamlined, and automated so they don’t overshadow your life.